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Today's horoscope!!!! Virgo

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

I read my horoscope today, actually I do everyday. Sometimes I just look at them like encouragement for the day. But I've had some really good ones lately.

One I had a few days ago when I had a ton of things going on and was trying to figure it all out. I had this one pop up.
You have got to try something new, even if you think you've got a full plate already. Today is perfect for launching big projects or taking off in exciting new directions, so make sure you think big!

So I did what it said and I'm hopefully on my way.

One of things I did today actually is helping me think big-I purchased the Canon 5D- it has been on my 101 list for quite sometime now. It' s a really big purchase but an awesome investment for me. A lot of photographers have this camera and I'm just trying to step up to the plate to hit my home run! (boohoo Yankees :(, sorry had to throw that in, we're still in mourning.)

So as I was checking out and paying for my purchase online and feeling a big heat wave come over me at what I was paying, I clicked over to read my horoscope that came in my e-mail and this is what it said.


It's a good day for large purchases, especially if you're buying something jointly with a partner or pal. Their judgment will help guide you in the right direction and you should both end up happy.

So I feel better now, my wallet doesn't but I sure do! :)

Oh and as an added bonus it took care of #22 on my 101 goals in 1001 days.

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