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Happy Birthday Reagan!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Reagan turns 5 today, I can't believe my little girl is already 5. In fact today I take her to her kindergarten orientation. I swear it was just a yesterday we brought her home from the hospital. I was actually induced and that lasted for about 2 days of just really not nice stuff a women should go through. We started on a Wednesday morning at 5:30, the following day at about 11:00am, my water finally broke. I always laugh because Mike had just come in from the cafeteria and when I told him he basically threw his lunch across the room to run to the nurses station. I giggle every time I think about how much he "flipped out". I had to tell him to slow down, it's ok.
I think I finally got to 10 centimeters about 2 am, and started to push. Then I pushed and pushed, and pushed and pushed! No baby. At about 6:30 the doctors decided it would be better for me to go ahead with a C-section. And at 8:31 my little girl was born. So about 51 hours after the process started and after 4 1/2 hours of pushing my little girl was born.
She has been such a joy in our lives and I can't believe I can love someone so much it hurts. We are so blessed to have her in our lives. She makes a laugh and giggle and she is such a joy.

Happy Birthday my sweet girl! We love you so much!!!

Here are a few of my favorite images from that special day :)

Our anesthesiologist grabbed the camera from Mike and took this photo. You really can't see anything because my belly was so big but I blocked it out just in case! Dang that is one huge belly....

It's not the greatest picture of all time but it's great because of the memory. The look on their faces is awesome. Mike took this picture when he was with Reagan in the nursery( think she was about 14 minutes old or so by the clock). I was still being worked on.

Dad, Jordan, Mom, Peg (Mike's mom) and Bonnie.

Proud Daddy!

My favorite picture. I have no make up and don't look so pretty but I think I felt prettier here than on my wedding day. :)


Courtney said...

that first picture made me lol...the placement of the heart! haha SO cute. I absolutely adore the picture of your family looking in, that is such a great memory for you guys. Just precious. Happy Birthday Reagan!

Unknown said...

Ahh...such a sweet post :) I know exactly how you feel! Thank you for sharing!