Hunter and my cousin Trenten, the two littlest of our family were invited to an Easter Party this morning. They had a little petting zoo and lots of crafts for the little ones. The boys colored Easter Eggs, planted seeds, played with the animals, had a grand 'ole time for not having their big sisters (Cadyn and Reagan there).
They had a blast at the bubble station

And made some cute crafts

Planted some seeds

Held little chicks

Gave them kisses too

There was goats, bunnies, ducks and chicks

I couldn't stop giggling at this duck- he looks like he's wearing a toupee

They loved this roller coaster

This is Hunter telling me to stop taking pictures

And then he got mad at a little girl who pushed him, Oh Hunter, just wait til you get older.

What do two big sister divas do while their little brothers are away?
A bubble bath of course

I love the squeeze on the little chick and duck...especially the duck...and I agree on the duck with the toupe'...hilarious. Fun pictures, Mandy. I think we now have two friends in common...Jo and Jennifer. Nice job on her family pictures, BTW.
Love the baby duck shot!! Sooo cute.
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