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Check off #20-Take a dance class

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Originally when I first made my list my goal was to take a dance class with Mike. I wanted us to take a ball room class. In my mind I envisioned us to look like the couples do in Dancing with the Stars. But in reality, my body won't look like that in a dress and Mike, well he doesn't dance. EVER- the poor guy doesn't at all, not even really at our wedding. He bravely did a few slow songs at our wedding but that was pretty much it. That's been hard for me to take in because I've danced all my life. That is until I got married, had 2 kids and got too busy. So I've been playing with the idea of going back to a dance class. I really miss dancing. It's a huge workout and it's once a week where I feel like I'm in high school again. Until I wake up the next morning and I can't move because in reality, I'm far past high school age.

So I joined an adult dance class a few months ago and really have enjoyed every minute of it. Even when my body hurts. I'm getting flexible again, I'm actually exercising and when I'm there for 50 minutes, I'm not a mom, or a wife, or a laundry cleaner, a bus driver, a photographer, a grocery shopper or bathroom cleaner. I'm just me. I'm doing something that I really enjoy, something that has no stress attach to it and it's just really fun.

This season I've been doing a ballet/jazz class. I'm not big on the ballet although I do love what the stretching does for your body. I think next season I'll sign up for the funk class, that is definitely more me. Sorry I don't have any pictures of myself but you can imagine that I'm not so attractive while working out so I'll spare you!

I've been taking my class at the local dance studio Desert Sun Performing Arts, the same one that Reagan is in, so it's easy and convenient and it works for us. Reagan's dance recital is coming up on June 7 so stay tuned for those pictures! :)

In the mean time I'll keep working on my dance figure and I'll keep working on getting Mike to take the ball room class.- ha ha


O Grace Photography said...

Good for you. I'm waiting for the dance studio to open up near my house.

Justine Miller Photography said...

Love the new blog Mandy :) BTW I've been dying to get back into dance.. maybe I'll have to stalk you.. OHH what motherhood has done to my dancing ability!

Mandy Hank said...

Oh you have no idea girl- I don't look the same in the mirror like we did in high school! :)