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One round trip ticket for the tooth fairy

Friday, January 09, 2009

Reagan, " mom, my tooth is loosted."

I go over to check and I always thought when my kid would have her first tooth loose, she would show me and it would be "kind of loose", you know the loose that will take 2 or 3 months to come out. Not this kid, she waits til the last minute to tell me and when I feel it, it's barely hanging on. What kind of mom am I that doesn't notice sooner, right?

So about 1 week later, Reagan grabbed an apple at Grandma's house and out it popped. We placed it under her pillow last night for the tooth fairy and I can't tell you how excited this little girl is.

Here's a picture of our new smiling girl, yes the little tooth next to it is "loosted" as well, so we'll have one big gaping hole there soon! :)

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