Hunter turns 2 on Monday but we had his birthday party on Saturday. Our family tradition has been to take the kids on their birthday to IHOP for some very sugary pancakes that they would never been able to eat the other 364 days a year. We ordered Hunter some chocolate chip pancakes and he loved them.

Yum- sugar and chocolate!

Even big sister Reagan gets to enjoy it :)

We had Hunter's birthday party at
Pump it Up. A very awesome place for kids to run around and a great place to tire them out for a nice long nap afterwards. The kid who was our party host asked Hunter to come up in front of everyone and Hunter, never having met this guy ran right up to him to give him a hug. I can only imagine that he was so excited to start his party.

Hunter went down the slides like this probably 1000 times, all by himself.

We actually had to cut the party down in attendance this year and only invited family and close friends. Here is a typical picture of my family. The girls, my sister, mom and aunt chatting and my brother in law Russ, sitting back, making goofy faces.

Here is Reve, her turn down the slide.

Me, Gianna, Reagan and Cadyn. You definitely go a lot quicker with 3 screaming girls on your lap. This place is awesome even for adults.

Rylee and Brayden's turn

Hunter decided to take a break during the party and catch his breath.

Here's little Kholey-adorable little outfit.

I had so many pictures of the day so I tried to bundle them all up.

Here's all the kids from the party. :)

Now moving to the party room, settling down and eating pizza.

Marlee, Reagan and Cadyn

The greatest cake maker ever made Hunter's cake. I also go way out for my kids birthdays and I don't just order a normal sheet cake so when I found Melodie at
Sugarlips Cakery last year I was thrilled. She has done all my cakes for the last couple of birthdays and she always amazes me. This year I knew I wanted a
Wiggles Themed cake since Hunter is still obsessed with the
Wiggles. He actually had a huge smile on his face when he saw this cake and once he was able to hold this car I think the whole day was complete for him. Isn't this an awesome cake?

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Hunter!"

We had been practing all week on how to blow out the candles with him and he did awesome!!!

Hunter so excited every time he opened a gift- this was his reaction to everything. Later when we got home and went through everything again he was surprised again. He must have forgotten what he received at the party and thought everything was new again.
I always try and post this picture because it is my favorite of the day he was born. I have it framed in our living room and look at it almost every day. I can remember that moment like it was 2 minutes ago and have to realize it was actually 2 years ago. There is nothing more special that bringing a child into the world and this is seconds after he made his debut and I just remember not being able to take my eyes off of him. It's funny how a even now I can just sit and watch my kids and that never gets old.Hunter I am so glad God gave you to us, you are a wonderful addition to our family. You have the cutest personality and always make us laugh. Happy Birthday buddy! We love you so much! :)
How fun! I still remember the first time you posted that picture of you all on the day he was of my favs. Happy B'day Hunter:)
Happy belated birthday, Hunter!! Miss Piper is throwing you a virtual high-five :) He's just precious!
I especially love the picture where he is in front of the cake and looking over at you both! There's so much in his expression there!!
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