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Reagan's 1st day of 1st Grade!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Ohhhhh, my little girl is growing up before my eyes. Parents tell you this all the time that it happens so fast and it does, it really does. It's very sad. You want them to grow up but on the other hand you just want to keep them small. It's sad when you can't really hold them anymore because they are too big or they don't ask for your help anymore to get a glass of milk. Last year when Reagan started Kindergarten I thought for sure I'd lose it but Hunter was such a maniac like normal I didn't have time to cry. They whisked her away and before I knew it she was in her class. This year we haven't had much of a summer break since the kids are in year round school so I didn't cry. But I have a big feeling that next year when Hunter goes to Kindergarten I just might lose it. I'll be by myself all day which in one aspect is nice, I can get things done but to not have both of them all day makes me want to cry. So at least I have 12 months to prepare for that day.

Reagan woke up so early this morning and so excited. What a difference from last year. She was really scared, apprehensive and nervous. This year she just went in right to her class, no big deal. It makes me proud how she is growing up.

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