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The Beltran Family is expecting......

Monday, April 11, 2011

Can't believe this is my 400th blog post!!!! I really can't believe I have had that much to speak about over the years. Although I'm sure my husband would be surprised the number isn't higher. Ha ha ha, very funny! It's easy to post on your blog when you have great subjects like the Beltran Family. I photographed them a few years ago and get some great images. They are just an adorable family. And now they are adding a new addition. Miss Addison is set to make an appearance in a few weeks. I'll be shooting her newborn images and I just can't wait to get my camera on her!!! :) Hopefully Mom will have a very easy labor and all will be home quickly afterward. Stay tuned for those baby shots! You can view their slideshow by clicking here!!!!

Love this one!!!

Think this might be my favorite for sure!

So sweet!!

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