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The Amideo Family- Scottsdale Family Photographer

Friday, December 12, 2014

Remember those days years ago when your kiddos were so small that you could actually Christmas shop for them while they were seated in the cart.  Maybe even a few times you let them actually play with the item in the cart while you continued to shop.  Yep those days are long gone.  I have to get really sneaky when I shop, how I shop and where I hide everything.  It's awful lately.  They both keep asking questions when I am gone or why I won't take them to the store with me.  I try really hard to go when they are at school and some nights I wait til they are asleep to run to Target.  Whew, what a lot of sneaking around- Just two more weeks!!

I thought I'd share the Amideo Family with you.  These two little boys were quite the hams and every time I asked mom and dad to kiss, they let me know exactly how they felt about that- LOL!  Lots of fun in their pictures, you can view more by clicking their slideshow here!

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