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The Crisci Family- Tempe Family Photographer

Tuesday, December 09, 2014

I don't know about you but my kiddos are getting so excited for Christmas.  Every morning they have a routine that involves, finding the Elf on the Shelf (if of course we remember to move him), changing our count down decoration pieces (we have 3) and then looking to see if they have any gifts under the tree.  We always hide them until Christmas Eve so the kids get surprised Christmas morning and all the gifts just appear.  They keep adding to their Christmas List and I swear Hunter has everything on his list minus a Ferrari.  Sheesh.

Anyhoo, I do need to start some Christmas shopping this week but I have to show off this beautiful family first.  Their kiddos are all grown up but still so close.  It's great to capture such a lovely family.  Family pictures are still important even when the kiddos are bigger, it'a just about making memories!

You can view more images on their slideshow by clicking here

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