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The "Bunch"

Saturday, November 17, 2007

So last weekend after my parents anniversary party my sister, brother in law and their kids stuck around for a few days so we could all hang out. They live in Texas so we don't get to see them all that much- yee ha!

On Monday we took all the kids to the zoo-9 kids total and we were actually missing one. We all tried really hard to keep an eye on everyone and make sure we kept counting all the kids. Mine were mostly in the stroller so that was a little easier. Some of my favorites shots of the day.
Crazy Silly Hunter-

The 4 girl cousins-Reagan, Kaitlyn, Cassity and Cadyn

The pink ladies- so cute

Here's the whole bunch (well besides missing little Trenten :( )

Cadyn, Pierce, Kaitlyn, Reagan

Cassity, Colton, Hunter, Garrett, and Carson

Of course they had to give their silly faces!

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