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#77-Check, Make homemade Christmas Cookies

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

I'm a little behind on my Christmas season blogging but I thought I would catch up a bit with marking another goal off my list- #77 is to make homemade Christmas cookies for Christmas. Reagan and I made them this year a few days before Christmas. Cinna-bun bear cookies, Santa Cookies, a Christmas Tree Chocolate Cake and my favorite Chocolate covered peanut butter and rice krispie balls- I can't believe how many I've eaten-oops, my poor jeans are bustin' at the seams. Eeekkk, oh well, tis the season. Reagan actually ate more sprinkles than she actually helped make cookies, but that's ok. It was fun. We made a huge mess, and even bigger pile of cookies that we laid out for Santa on Christmas Eve, another excuse for me to eat my Chocolate Covered peanut butter and rice krispie ball treats. :)

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