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The Poyner Family 2011

Thursday, December 01, 2011

Mike is leaving on his first big boy hunting trip with my dad this week. I am a little nervous and I think he is too. I am very excited for him to go on this "all boy" trip but he's going to Texas and is hunting with a lot of home grown Texas boys. Normally that is ok but when your husband grew up in New York City, it's a little odd. Comical really. It reminds me of the movie City Slickers. Mike had to buy his first set of camouflage wear, and it was "really purtty". I have a little feeling he might come back a whole new person. They might even get him to wear a cowboy hat. :) Actually I think he might be the only hunter in Texas sporting his Yankee baseball cap! Wish him luck this week!!!

The Poyner family met me last weekend for their session. It was the end of November and the an extremely hot day for the time of the year. At the end of November we have just about had it with the weather we just want to say, "awww, come on!" This week of course our weather was a normal almost winter like feel. But they were troopers with the heat and we still got some awesome pictures.

You can view their slideshow by clicking here!

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